Film a doba, established in 1955, played in the 1960s under the leadership of one of the most respected Czech film critics and historians Antonín Novák (writing under the pseudonym Jan Žalman) an important part in preparation of the intellectual and political atmosphere of the Prague Spring and theoretical formation of the Czech and Slovak New Wave in film.
Its readers included not only film professionals and experts but also the broader range of those interested in the art of film, and, being the only specialized film journal in Czechoslovakia, Film and doba was valued also internationally.
Film a doba managed to preserve its high standard while also extending its range to include television, documentaries and animated titles, as well as the expanding field of video art.
Film a doba, established in 1955, played in the 1960s under the leadership of one of the most respected Czech film critics and historians Antonín Novák (writing under the pseudonym Jan Žalman) an important part in preparation of the intellectual and political atmosphere of the Prague Spring and theoretical formation of the Czech and Slovak New Wave in film.
Its readers included not only film professionals and experts but also the broader range of those interested in the art of film, and, being the only specialized film journal in Czechoslovakia, Film and doba was valued also internationally.
Film a doba managed to preserve its high standard while also extending its range to include television, documentaries and animated titles, as well as the expanding field of video art.
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