A comedy from the times of early socialism marked by the efforts of a dynamic industrialization of the Slovak country, Cathy tells the story of a young village girl who defies the wish of her parents and leaves for the city where she seeks work at a newly built factory manufacturing ladies’ pantyhose. After the initial confusion and minor collisions, she grows used to her new environment and the new people and the naive country girl changes into a self-confident young woman with quite new ideals about life.
Directed by:
Ján Kadár
Ivan Bukovčan, Vratislav Blažek, Ján Kadár, Maximilián Nitra
Director of photography:
Josef Míček
Tibor Andrašovan
Marie Kopecká
Božena Obrová, Július Pántik, Hana Sarvašová, František Dibarbora, Ružena Struhárová, Mária Hanusková, Jolana Hollá-Mažáriová, Oľga Vronská, Elena Kleisová, Waldemara Treskoňová, E. Kľúčiková, Martin Gregor, Štefan Figura, Oľga Borodáčová, Ľudovít Jakubóczy, Viliam Záborský, Jozef Kroner, Emil Horváth st., Ondrej Jariabek, Samuel Adamčík, Ľudovít Ozábal, Jozef Sodoma, Arnošt Garlaty, Martin Ťapák, Jozef Šándor, Mária Hájková, Frída Bachletová, Ján Jamnický, Vlado Kubenko a ďalší
A comedy from the times of early socialism marked by the efforts of a dynamic industrialization of the Slovak country, Cathy tells the story of a young village girl who defies the wish of her parents and leaves for the city where she seeks work at a newly built factory manufacturing ladies’ pantyhose. After the initial confusion and minor collisions, she grows used to her new environment and the new people and the naive country girl changes into a self-confident young woman with quite new ideals about life.
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