DVD Brigand Jurko (1976) - Full-lenght animated film showing new adventures of the Slovak brigand, Juro Jánošík, a hero who hates wrongdoing and fights againts social oppression.
DVD The Bloody lady (1980) - An animated film about crime and love, inspired by the historical legend of the cruel Lady of Čachtice. The eternal conflict between good and evil is captured against the backdrop of a romantic love story with comic and tragic elements.
DVD Selection of animated films by Viktor Kubal - A selection of the director´s works from his filmmaking beginnings, thourgh excerpts from children´s series, to social-critical works from the 1970s and 1980s.
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slovenské, slovenské pre nepočujúcich, english, italian, espaňol, francais, deutsch, russian
DVD Brigand Jurko (1976) - Full-lenght animated film showing new adventures of the Slovak brigand, Juro Jánošík, a hero who hates wrongdoing and fights againts social oppression.
DVD The Bloody lady (1980) - An animated film about crime and love, inspired by the historical legend of the cruel Lady of Čachtice. The eternal conflict between good and evil is captured against the backdrop of a romantic love story with comic and tragic elements.
DVD Selection of animated films by Viktor Kubal - A selection of the director´s works from his filmmaking beginnings, thourgh excerpts from children´s series, to social-critical works from the 1970s and 1980s.
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