Fine, Thanks is a feature-length film consisting of a prologue, three main stories, and an epilogue. The stories take place during the current financial crisis that affects the intimate lives of the characters and reveals a harsh picture of their twisted relations.
Directed by:
Mátyás Prikler
Writing credits:
Marek Leščák, Mátyás Prikler
Cinematography by:
Peter Balcar, Milan Balog
Sound mix:
Dušan Kozák
Film Editing by:
Maroš Šlapeta, Zuzana Cséplö
Attila Mokos, Miroslav Krobot, Vladimír Obšil, Zuzana Mauréry, Jana Oľhová, Milan Vojtela, Anna Ferenczy, Ján Fajnor, Éva Bandor, Juraj Johanides, Eva Pavlíková, Ján Greššo, Blaho Uhlár, Vít Bednárik, Marek Šulík
Fine, Thanks is a feature-length film consisting of a prologue, three main stories, and an epilogue. The stories take place during the current financial crisis that affects the intimate lives of the characters and reveals a harsh picture of their twisted relations.
Technical information
Technical information