As Seen By Slovak Documakers

VLOŽIŤ DO KOŠÍKA Pridané do košíka
d. I. Ruppeldt, R. Ferko, V. Mináč, A. Horák, E. Štefankovičová, Czechoslovakia, B&W/colour/colour, 1989, 139 min.
Print version


The three documentaries included on this DVD invite the viewers to recall many of the historical events that had made a major impact on our future twenty years ago. The films provide a vivid picture of the political, social, and economic processes happening during some of the key periods in the development of Czechoslovakia on its way to long yearned for freedom and democracy. It was a journey marked by a brand new plurality of opinions and a wide range of newly established political parties. 

Flight Report 89-90

Directed by:
Ilja Ruppeldt  

Probe 1/1990 - Velvet Revolution Train

Directed by:
Rudolf Ferko, Vladimír Mináč, Andrej Horák 

All Together...[In a Slovak Way]

Directed by:
Eva Štefankovičová

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