Being afraid of having disclosed by Birc who works for Germany, slacker,Matous into the Guerrilla. And then pursuing a formal tank troop, in order to protect relatives she lead enemies into minefield.
Directed by:
Martin Ťapák
Writing credits:
Ivan Bukovčan
Cinematography by:
Benedikt Krivošík
Original Music by:
Svetozár Stračina
Štefan Kvietik, Emília Vášášryová, Radoslav Brzobohatý, Ivan Rajniak, Július Vašek, Martin Ťapák, Viera Strnisková, Milan Kňažko.
Being afraid of having disclosed by Birc who works for Germany, slacker,Matous into the Guerrilla. And then pursuing a formal tank troop, in order to protect relatives she lead enemies into minefield.
Technical information
Technical information