Martin Slivka is a major figure in Slovak cinematography and culture. Slivka was involved in modern documentary cinema., he was also a director, screenwriter, professor, etnographer and, above all - a very special person. The documentary commermorates Martin Slivka in the words of people near him, and also tries to analyze and evaluate his work within the context of European filmmaking.
Directed by:
Martin Šulík
Cinematography by:
Richard Krivda, Peter Tóth, Peter Zubaľ
Writing credits:
Martin Šulík, Ingrid Mayerová, Rudolf Urc
Film Editing by:
Rudolf Urc, Ingrid Meyerová
Martin Slivka, Dušan Hanák, Eduard Grečner, Vlado Balco, Krzysztof Penderecki, Ilja Zeljenka, Alexander Štrelinger, Miloslav Kubík
Technical information
slovak, english
Formát obrazu:
DVD Region:
90 min.
slovak, english
special features:
Childhood, Poem, Play about St. Dorothy, Creation, Picture 1953, Relatives, Emigration 1968, Parents
Martin Slivka is a major figure in Slovak cinematography and culture. Slivka was involved in modern documentary cinema., he was also a director, screenwriter, professor, etnographer and, above all - a very special person. The documentary commermorates Martin Slivka in the words of people near him, and also tries to analyze and evaluate his work within the context of European filmmaking.
Technical information
Technical information