d. Elo Havetta, Czechoslovakia, 1969, 1972, čb., far., 160 min.
Celebration in the Botanical Garden (1969)
A lively and mature debute of a talented director who passed away before his time is a colourful fairy tale, a mosaic about the need of miracles in our lives. Havetta´s original film is inspired by naive painting, French impressionism, and silent slapstic. It also combines motives from traditions of the people of Western Slovakia.
Wild Lilies (1972)
The second and last full-length feature film by Elo Havetta ranks among the most remarkable works of Slovak cinematography. It is an artistic paraphrase of the literary work of Vincent Šikula. The main characters are war veterans returning from WWI who want to find a home and settle down. However, equally strong is their desire for freedom and the life of a tramp.