Text Archive

A significant section of the Documentation and Library Services Department of the National Film Archive manages, specifically, the archive funds of film institutions and of personalities of film, but also other archive collections created by subject-matter which largely relate to Slovak cinema. The archive collections contain written documents of an official nature, company agendas, manuscripts, correspondence, personal documents, but also photographs, transparencies, works of art, music scores, architectonic designs and other types of materials. The processed funds and collections are made available to researchers upon prior agreement in accordance with the Loan Regulations Governing Access to Film Copies of Audiovisual Works and Audiovisual Recordings, Archived Documents and Collectibles and Access to Related Services of the National Film Archive, the Archive Regulations and the Research Regulations of the Slovak Film Institute’s National Film Archive.

Extended search in the SFI Catalogue database – SK CINEMA

NFA SFI Loan Regulations

Price List for Services and Fees

Overview of the Basic Division and State of Processing of Collections

Funds of Institutions

Slovak film production partially processed – list
Central Office of Slovak Film partially processed – list
Slovak Film Institute partially processed – list
Slovak Film Company, j. s. c. partially processed – list
Studio Koliba not processed

Personal funds

Paľo Bielik processed – inventory
Milan Černák partially processed – list
Peter Dubecký partially processed – list
Pavol Forisch not processed
Gabriela Gavalčinová partially processed – list
Eduard Grečner partially processed – list
Elo Havetta processed – inventory
Július Jaššo processed – inventory
Boris Jurech processed – inventory
Ivan J. Kovačevič processed – inventory
Anton Krajčovič processed – inventory
Andrej Kristín processed – inventory
Karol Krška processed – inventory
Viktor Kubal processed – inventory
Vladimír Kubenko processed – inventory
Sylvia Lacková processed – inventory
Andrej Lettrich processed – inventory
Peter Mihálik processed – inventory
Gizela Miháliková partially processed – list
Štefan Ondrkal spracované – inventár
Vladislav Pavlovič spracované – inventár
Henrieta Peťovská partially processed – list
Dušan Roll partially processed – list
Ivan Rumanovský partially processed – list
Martin Slivka partially processed – list
Peter Solan processed – inventory
Svätopluk Šablatúra partially processed – list
Ján Šuda partially processed – list
Pavel G. Tager processed – inventory
Margita Tomášková processed – inventory
Ján Tomaškovič processed – inventory
Július Vojtech Trebišovský partially processed – list
Ivan Vaníček processed – inventory
Vladimír Zimmer processed – inventory


Spomienky na začiatky tvorby slovenského filmu processed – inventory
Výtvarné práce z výroby animovaných filmov partially processed – list
Návrhy propagačných materiálov k filmom partially processed – list
Diafilmy partially processed – list
Rukopisy partially processed – list
Fragmenty partially processed – list

Fund and collection administration and processing:
PhDr. Jana Stradiotová, Mgr. Lucia Karellová, Mgr. Lívia Praženková

Contact: Mgr. Lucia Karellová, tel.: + 421 2 5710 1541, e-mail: lucia.karellova@sfu.sk

PhDr. Jana Stradiotová, Head of Documentation and Library Services Department
tel.: + 421 2 5710 1523, e-mail: jana.stradiotova@sfu.sk

Loan Hours
Monday – Friday: by individual agreement