General information

The Fund for the Promotion of National Minority Culture (hereinafter referred to as “the Fund”) is established by Act No. 138/2017 Coll. on the Fund for the Promotion of National Minority Culture.

The Fund is an independent public institution whose mission is to promote and stimulate the culture of national minorities in the field of cultural and academic activities of national minorities, in particular by creating support mechanisms for the creation and dissemination of cultural and scientific values. By implementing its mission, the Fund contributes to the implementation of the cultural policy of the Slovak Republic and the European Union in the field of support for the development of national minorities.

The Fund as a public institution:

  • ensures the development of cultural and educational activities in the field of intercultural dialogue and national minorities,
  • promotes theatre, music, dance, visual and audiovisual arts,
  • the development of literary, publishing and editorial activity in the area,
  • preserves and protects the development of the identity and cultural values of national minorities,
  • promotes education and training in the field of the rights of national minorities,
  • creates conditions for the development of intercultural dialogue and for better understanding between Slovak citizens
  • nationalities and citizens belonging to national minorities and ethnic groups,
  • supports academic activities in the field as defined in Section 1(1) of the Fund Act.

Programme and sub-programmes relating to the audiovisual arts

3.5 Audiovisual art

3.5.1 Production and realisation of audiovisual works

3.5.2 Showcases, festivals and competitions and other activities in the field of audiovisual arts

3.5.3 International mobility and presentations in the field of audiovisual arts

The Fund provides support in the form of grants and scholarships for these areas as part of its support structure.

Maximum support per project

Production and realization of the AV work: 200 000 EUR (subsidy), the amount of the scholarship is the product of the number of months (2 – 12) and the amount of the average monthly wage in the economy of the Slovak Republic set for the year 2023

Festivals and other activities: 66 000 €

Presentation: 66 000 €

Deadlines for 2023

Bulgarian, Czech, Croatian, Moravian, German, Polish, Roma, Ruthenian, Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian and Jewish minorities (scholarship/grant) – 9 January

Hungarian minority (subsidy) – 16 January


Fond na podporu kultúry národnostných menšín Cukrová 14 811 08, Bratislava tel.: +421 2 5932 4288 e-mail: sekretariat@kultminor.sk www.kultminor.sk