The SFI provides advertising and promotional services to clients from the audiovisual environment in the monthly magazine Kino-Ikon, and in various promotional and educational materials prepared in connection with local film events or as part of presentations of Slovak cinema abroad. There are several advertising options: the outer and inner areas of the covers of printed materials, or their contents can be used; separate advertising materials can also be inserted in printed copies of the above materials. Clients can choose from the whole range of advertising formats and also determine the colours of the ad. More detailed information on advertising and promotional services, as well as the necessary technical specifications, can be found in the respective price list.
Contakt: Daniel Bernát, Editor-in-Chief of
tel.: + 421 2 5273 3212, + 421 2 5710 1525, fax: + 421 2 5273 3214, e-mail:
Martin Kaňuch, Editor-in-Chief of Kino-Ikon
tel.: + 421 2 57 10 15 13, fax: + 421 2 52 96 34 61, e-mail:,