The 14th Fest Anča International Animation Festival (1 – 4 July 2021) will take place online for the first time. The organizers have prepared a program with a significant representation of Slovak animated works including a special screening of the digitally restored film The Bloody Lady (1980).
Two program sections are devoted to Slovak production:
Competition of Slovak Films:
Uninvited Guests (d. Jakub Mereš), Sanctuary (d. Eva Matějovičová), Fur (d. Kristína Bajaníková), Prezident Lourajder – osud (d. Matej Mihályi), Donna Bella (d. Emma Virág Csuport), Places (d. Andrea Gabajová), Maze of Memories (d. Anna Mária Medvecká), Čisté tvary – Leť (d. Marián Vredík), Trip to the Moon 1969 (d. Samuel Ščerbák), On the Hill (d. Juraj Mäsiar, Lukáš Ďurica), Boys’ tears (d. Zuzana Žiaková) and Home Sweet Home (d. David Štumpf). Moreover, Čisté tvary – Leť and Prezident Lourajder – osud will compete within International Videoclip Competition and Home Sweet Home (d. David Štumpf) is selected to the Anča in a Face Mask section.
Slovak Panorama:
Between the Crowds (d. Viktória Madanská), Nimral (d. Mária Dobrovodská), Full Stomach (d. Ingrid Lányiová), Dollmaker (d. Romana Candráková), Issues (d. Andrea Pátková, Veronika Valentová), Royal Dog (d. Anna Mária Medvecká), Glass (d. Adam Falluš, Emil Faban), Funny Fruits (d. Matúš Ursíny, Samo Vargan), Alien (d. Ivan Suvák), The Smallest Man (d. Dávid Šúry), Builders (d. Roland Korečko) and Lunate (d. Klára Fedora Homzová).
This year‘s focus Traditions comprises six selections of Slovak and international animated shorts with diverse approaches to the theme. None of them lack a work from domestic production.
Traditions: So Many Countries, So Many Customs
Aúúúna, d. Lina Šuková
Traditions: A Leopard Can’t Change Its Spots
Chilli, d. Martina Mikušová
Superbia, d. Luca Tóth
Traditions: You Can’t Choose Your Family
Naked Man – Cakes, d. Katarína Geffertová
Traditions: As You Sow, So You Shall Reap
Aion, d. Petra Heleninová
Traditions: East or West, Home is the Best
Journey, d. Marek Jasaň
Traditions: We All Have Crosses to Bear
In Line, d. Kamila Kučíková
Traditions are also reflected in the feature films selection. The animated documentary Felvidek: Caught in Between by Vladislava Plančíková is a personal testimony about family, a search for roots, and an exploration of Slovak-Hungarian relations. The screening of Viktor Kubal’s legendary The Bloody Lady (1980), inspired by the historical legend of the cruel, Bloody Lady of Čachtice castle, will accompany live music by instrumental duo Ranjevš & Óbasz.
Extremely short section of extremely short films will introduce Slovak shorts Salty (d. Elly Friedmann), Detective (d. Max Kips), Space (d. Matej Gemza, Kristián Klouda), Sailor’s Disapointment (d. Karol Kullač), The Memory (d. Lenka Adamcová), The Fly: Excalibur (d. Peter Kružic) and Insomnia (d. Katarína Pipiaková).
Section Anča in Wonderland will present Forget (d. Tomáš Rybár) and Snake Among the Clouds (d. Terézia Poljaková). The youngest viewers will enjoy the screening of the TV special Cate Strophe Saving Christmas (d. Veronika Kocourková) as part of the World Panorama for Children section.
Fest Anča will also screen several selections of short films from Central and Eastern Europe, which were created in collaboration with the international consortium CEE Animation.
CEE Animation Talents 2021
Crossing, d. Agáta Bolaňosová
CEEAFN: The Wandering Kite
The Kite, d. Martin Smatana
CEEAFN: Bikes, Beasts and Washing Machines
Wild Beasts, d. Marta Prokopová, Michal Blaško
Yellow, d. Ivana Šebestová
Related articles:
Fest Anča 2020
Fest Anča 2019
Fest Anča 2018
Fest Anča 2017