Slovak Films are Heading to Moscow

Slovak Films are Heading to Moscow
19. September 2018

Slovak Film Days in Moscow (September 27 – October 3, 2018), the showcase of contemporary Slovak cinema will present seven feature films in seven days. Russian audience of cinema Fitil club will welcome recognized films by Jan Hřebejk, Iveta Grófová, Marko Škop, Rasťo Boroš, Andrea Sedláčková, and Peter Bebjak.

The selection is focusing on films with remarkably high attendance in domestic cinemas or films that were successful on the international film festival circuit. Slovak-Czech coproduction The Teacher (2015) will kick off the showcase and show the moral decay of the Communist machine and a calculating and corrupt teacher, part of the system of power. Little Harbour (2017), the film is based on Monika Kompaníková’s book, tells the story of a ten-year-old girl, who is desperately looking for the love of her mother. After several failures, she finds herself assuming the role of a nanny to two small twins abandoned on the train station. Opposite situation captures Eva Nová (2015), former actress and alcoholic who would do anything to regain the love of the one she hurt the most – her son. Stanko (2015), the main character of the roadmovie is also trying to make the right decisions and stay out of trouble. It´s not so easy, especially when his boss asks him to drive a girl from Slovakia to Italy.

The first day of October will start with a film attracting mainly teenage audience Backstage (2018) which brings a story about dreams and ambitions of young dancers. Two last films of the showcase were directed by Slovak successful filmmaker Peter Bebjak. Thriller set on the Slovak-Ukrainian border The Line (2017) depicts the head of the family and also the boss of a gang of criminals smuggling cigarettes across the border and The Cleaner (2015) shows the man employed in a funeral service company, cleaning the places where people or animals passed away.

Organizers of the Slovak Film Days in Moscow are Slovak Film Institute on behalf of Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic, Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic, in cooperation with Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, NOY Film Company and Slovak Institute in Moscow.

The Teacher | September 27 | 18.30
Little Harbour | September 28 | 18.00
Eva Nová | September 29 | 18.00
Stanko | September 30 | 18.00
Backstage | October 1 | 18.00
The Line | October 2 | 18.00
The Cleaner | October 3 | 18.00
