Since 1999 the SFI has published four separate editions of professional literature. The chief objective of the publishing strategy is to achieve an even coverage of various areas of cinematography, using the entire range of different ways of their possible reflection. The Orbis Pictus edition brings together monographs of significant filmmakers from the history of Slovak cinema. These are traditionally composed monographs based, in general, on a combination of the biographical view of the artistic and creative development of the filmmaker in question within the context of the period and the personality’s works. The Camera Obscura edition seeks, in the form of profiles attractive to readers, to present a plastic image of the life and work of contemporary, still active figures of Slovak and European film. The edition dedicated to theoretical filmological literature is entitled Camera Lucida and it comprises domestic and foreign theoretical texts of renowned authors. The Studium edition brings texts aimed, in particular, at students of film and humanities universities and academies, while they can equally be a beneficial source of knowledge for those whose involvement with film in their studies is only marginal. Periodical and non-periodical factographic publications constitute a significant component of SFI publications. The Film Yearbook is a permanent and inalienable part of the publications; its role is to map out the events in Slovak cinema at regular annual intervals in a comprehensive manner. The list of publications is complemented by other titles made in collaboration with the Documentation Department.
SFI’s complete publication production is available at
Contakt: Marián Brázda, Head of the Publications Department
tel.: + 421 2 57 10 15 13, 0907 723 970, e-mail:
Martin Kaňuch, editor
tel.: + 421 2 57 10 15 13, e-mail: